Sunday, October 14, 2007

I forgot these!!

My cat tail an antique urinal! The 'log' just to the right is the lock for the bathroom door!

This is the pussy willow arrangement! Lovely, aren't they?
(Both arrangements are artificial.)
Just to the left, in the other bathroom, you can see antlers (they are not artificial) that are for hanging towels.


I guess I should add........after the fact, that we are all doing well! Lei is getting more pregnant by the day, Don is getting ready for his Colorado hunting trip (there are 12 of them going this year.) They go for Elk but settle for mule deer and bear if they have to!
The girls are honor roll again and I am baking and cooking for the boys hunting trip.
The girls and I went to the early movies yesterday. I saw "The Jane Austin Book Club." I liked it..... the girls saw "The Seeker". I had a private viewing.......the girls had a semi-private. They were the only ones in the theater!! It was kinda creepy! They loved the movie although it only got 2 stars.
I've got my Christmas shopping almost done and Jenny is busy making plans for her birthday. This will be the last of the non-teen birthdays for her. I can't tell you how I'm looking forward to those teen years again!! Although I feel I have a closer relationship with these girls then I did my own. Odd but it is just us, no brothers or husband or job.........they are smart and I am allot more comfortable in my skin then I was 30 yrs. ago. They can talk to me about anything and everything, and they do! And I can talk to them about anything and everything without blushing! In the car the other day, Sarah asked how you have sex! She kept saying she had a question but she really didn't need to know .........ummmmm.........ummmmmmmmm. I finally convinced her to ask and I explained it as simply as possible! She was satisfied. (I believe what she said was " OH Gross!!"
Anyhow......after the movie we went shopping and then visited Dad. It was a fun girls day out.

The Cabin

I can't believe I figured this out!! I thought it might be easier to visualize my cabin if you had the floor plan! Keep in mind, this is the 2nd level. The main floor from N to S (also left to rt.) are Don and Leilani's garages, Taxidermy/banquet room and then my garage. The deck doesn't have that landing in the upper rt corner. There is no outside access from outside. Also, the dumb waiter isn't in the corner of the sunroom yet.

After losing dozens of photos from my camera card over the past couple of months, I knew I had to find a new way to down load them. Finally I came upon something that didn't tell me my card needed to be re-formatted (which in the process of doing it deleted all my pictures.) So here's the experiment and it worked!

So here's some updated picts of the cabin!!

If you look really close at some of the windows, you can see hand made 'rods' made from hickory, thanks to the generous nature of my son-in-laws Dad, Grandpa Don. Thanks Don!!

My brother's first brainstorm.......this is the under-stair space. Dave suggested it would make a good mud room! How'd he do that?? There is stuff stored behind the curtain, pegs to hang coats on, shelves to put shoes or whatever on and a bench to sit on to put those shoes/boots on! The wainscoting on the walls hides concrete blocks that had to be there due to the soil that backs up against it.

Entering from the garage.

The first landing.

Looking up at the first landing.

More of the gallery.

Looking down from upstairs.........the family gallery. This entry was my brother's idea! And labor, he did my tile work. Thanks from the bottom of my heart Dave!! (Are your knees healed yet?)

This is the quilt that was on the bed in my trailer.

Selem Dan made this shelf/hanger and gave it to me for Christmas last year. It hangs just inside my upstairs door, just outside the closet.

I got the curtains done under the sink. Notice the little nine patch table cloth? It's done with the fusible grid and not backed or quilted. I put a layer of 16 ga. vinyl over it (Bee's idea!) Lot's of my cabin is thanks to picking my Sister's brains.....Vicki too!

I purged the pantry of things I thought I'd like looking at daily. It will disappear again if the clutter gets on my nerves! For now, I love it!! This hutch is one I want to refinish... kind of a creamy white with wear marks.

Great Grandma Feil's sewing machine. The clock & phone are new.

A more casual display on the mercantile display cabinet.

Update of our Cabin

I finally found a coffee table I liked! It comes from the Log Carpenter in Newaygo and is actually a bench. That is great because the kids can't hurt it and I can even stand on it to clean the ceiling fan!!

This is the 3rd arrangement of the sun room. The feng shui is much better with this arrangement!!

Sebastian is very interested in S'mores, Sarah's "minnie pig" (Kadee's name for her). (guinea)